Svate dny židovskeho 1The authors of this publication focus their attention primarily  on the area of the Ashkenazi Jews, which is closer to us geographically than the area of the Sephardic (and other) Jews. These other areas are referenced only marginally. We have also chosen to offer a solid, yet not overwhelming amount of information to our readers pertaining to liturgy. Liturgy is subject to change depending on the year's seasons, territory, as well as the customs of the local communities. Thus, we have only focused on the main stream and contents of the most important prayers.

The publication is divided into five main parts. Besides an (1) Introduction and a concise discussion of the authors' goals and methodology, we offer (2) a definition of key terms, (3) we list relevant pri mary sources for examining the holy days of the Jewish calendar, (4) we introduce the Jewish calendar itself and (5) offer some concluding remarks. Individual chapters of this publication have been written on the basis of listed pri mary sources and secondary literature. The titles of the Tanach books are cited in their Hebrew original, which we consider more appropriate given our topic, than to cite them using the "Czech Ecumenical Translation" as has become a common practice today.

Kierkegaard Pon kot dog 2016 1Pred seboj imamo sadove dela s 5. Mednarodnega filozofskega simpozija Miklavža Ocepka, ki je bil tokrat v največji meri posvečen prav spominu tega mnogo prezgodaj umrlega slovenskega filozofa, ki je bil duša filozofskih dogajanj okrog našega društva. Leta 2015 je namreč minevalo deset let, odkar nas je ‚naš‘ Miklavž (1963–2005) zapustil. To je že deveti zbornik mednarodnih filozofskih srečanj založbe KUD Apokalipsa (peti inštituta SERISK (z angleško kratico CERI-SK) Ljubljana), saj od leta 2013 organiziramo vsako leto bodisi simpozije ali konference in delavnice, v letu 2018 pa izide tako slovenski kot angleški zbornik pod osrednjim imenom »Kierkegaard«. Pod tem imenom je pričujoči zbornik že peti. Tudi simpozij 2015 je, tako kot prejšnji 2013, potekal pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednika Republike Slovenije g. Boruta Pahorja.

Pričujoči zbornik, tako kot vsi po letu 2013, prinaša bogato spremljevalno gradivo, tokrat je to galerija portretov filozofov in drugih udeležencev simpozija, ki jo je »zakrivil« član fotografske sekcije Srednjeevropskega raziskovalnega inštituta Soeren Kierkegaard Ljubljana Jože Suhadolnik, pa tudi že tradicionalna fotografska reportaža. Sicer nam pred nami razprostrta knjiga prinaša petintrideset različnih esejev in študij, omizje, pa tudi slavnostne in otvoritvene nagovore ter uvodni nagovor avtorja ob otvoritvi razstave Koliko je ena? slikarja Ignaca Medena.

Ethical AspectsIt seems that there is a consensus in the scientific community that the mentioned problems are not sporadic and the cases that become visible can represent just the tip of iceberg. It is for this reason that the development of ethical studies needs adequate support and prioritizing.”

prof. Štefan Luby


Reviewers: Dalimír Hajko, Peter Kondrla, Pavol Dancák
Number of pages: 379
Price: 10 EUR


Dagmar Moral Values 2The work of Dagmar Marková is a unique monograph that, in terms of ethics, provides data and figures, which have not been published in Slovakia or the Czech Republic, so far. Moreover, it moves ethics in the area of sexual lifestyle to the psychological – ethical level and thus, it eliminates unnecessary ideologization and moralization on one hand, and brings clear responses to the assumptions and prejudice in sexual lifestyle on the other hand. The monograph can be therefore considered as an avant-garde work, as it is at the beginning of confrontation with anachronistic opinions on this issue, i.e. on discovering values in sexual and partner relationships. The author's main triumph in this confrontation is her professional methodological approaches present in modern science.

doc. PhDr. Miloslav Jůzl, Ph.D.

Reviewers: doc. PhDr. Miloslav Jůzl, Ph.D., doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Kamil Janiš, CSc. and doc. PhDr. Lenka Haburajová Ilavská, PhD.
Number of pages: 250
Price: 12 EUR

Jasna K Kierk on Cons

Kierkegaard on Consumerism consists of three essays about consumerism in the works of the Danish philosopher Sřren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), most notably in his book Repetition (1843). Each of the essays deals with the three stages of life according to Kierkegaard: the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious. There are few books about Kierkegaard and economics, and even fewer on Kierkegaard’s views about consumerism. This book is intended to fulfill that gap. Kierkegaard witnessed the beginnings of modernity and although he did not write about the capitalist issues, his greatest contribution to economics,besides his contributions to human psyche and religion, was his elaboration on the importance of individual choices and decisions, as he strongly disagreed with the modern view that humans crave only agitation and desiring.

Repar decision

     The question of decision is one of the main existencialist preocupation from Kierkegaard to Sartre and French Phenomenology. The Book Decision and Existential Turn is searching for new formations of identity, which should allow for an asymetrical relation at the very heart of ethics. Some remarks about the existential way of thinking can examine and open new philosophical perspectives in concrete ethics.
     The another goal of these remarks is the search for meaning to one’s life through individual essential decisions, which takes on singular relevance. The book also analyzes some of the crisis of our age and points out the importance of the existential turn in one’s individual attitudes and outlooks on life. An individual lives in an inner conflict: on the one hand, one lives under the impression of all-mightiness, believing that everything is possible, yet on the other hand, one experiences helplessness, despair, doubt, and the loss of oneself.
    Inspired by Kierkegaard, Havel, Patočka, Ricoeur and others, the author stresses the importance of passion as a fundational element for existential truth. The crutial question is one of the single individual. If a person is capable of compassion and of maintaining an honest realationship with one’s neighbor, than one can muster irony and egoism.Only the single individual who has forsaken the crowd and changed one’s attitude toward one’s neghbour is capable of an existential turn. To understand the existential turn in its practical dimensions, the author draws a comparison between existencialism and feminism, inspiring a radical ethical stance toward this attitude. Such existential ethics was influenced by Kierkegaard, specifically his pseudonymous work The Concept of Anxiety, where he himself created a need for existentialist ethics – his second ethics, which would be philosophy first.